Big Changes!

Well friends, it has been a while since my last journal entry, 5 years to be exact. I included the last one from our family journal when the boys were younger, on how and what we were learning at that time. With a move to the mountains and the business of nurturing two young children, I had stopped writing until now. So, here I am once again feeling re-inspired to write, and wow, lots has changed. The boys have grown so much since my last journal entry. They are now 9 (our wolf) and 5 years old (our bear) and are continuing to thrive with homeschooling. From now on, I will either refer to the boys by either “the wolf” and “the bear” or by their age moving forward in journal entries. We are wanting to be a bit more mindful about their confidentiality as they are growing older.

We still live on a small homestead on the side of a mountain, but we have expanded our gardens A LOT and now care for a small flock of 5 chickens, a bunny named Fig and Priya the Newfoundland. Ollie kitty is now a senior at age 11. Lots of garden and animal tending for us these days!

In addition to our family changes, our entire planet has endured a huge change…living through a global pandemic. It is a lot these days to say the least, and we are all living through some really challenging times together. These challenging times have taught our family a lot though…to live more in the present moment, to take our health very seriously, to lend a helping hand whenever we can, and to be a light in the world wherever we can be.

So, with all of this being said, Roots and Little Wings is also making some changes to help make our lights shine a little brighter and to help your lights shine more too. Our website now has a new look with a journal and a SHOP!!! Yes, we have added a shop to Roots and Little Wings, so we can share homeschool guides with the world. So far, we have written a “Gentle Beginnings to Homeschooling Grades K-5” guide to share with those new to homeschooling. It is available for purchase as a PDF download in the shop for $25. We will be adding more guides soon, so please continue to check the shop for new resources. I will also be writing journal entries from time to time sharing learning resources as well as sharing more about our journey to learning and growing together as a family. We hope you will join along on our wild and wonderful world of homeschooling! Be well my friends!!
